Flowers' Mission
Flowers are magical, they teach us to cherish every moment in life, allowing us to express our emotions, heal our pain and
bringing love to the world.
Flowers' Life Lesson
When you know how to appreciate flowers, you will learn how to appreciate life.
Here're the 10 life lessons you can learn from flowers:
1. Flowers will wilt just like life is impermanent and that’s when you will learn to treasure it and do not take things for granted.
2. Flowers need good food, water, conditions to stay healthier, so do we.
3. Every single stalk of flower is unique and has its own characteristics, and we need to see the beauty and make full use of it. Remember that we each are unique soul with our own beauty too.
4. The flowers you received may not in “perfect” conditions but we can make the best out of it. Similarly, every incident can be a good lesson for us, and we can outgrown it.
5. Trim away unused leaves or throw away wilted flowers just as we need to let go of experiences and memories that no longer serve us.
6. The flowers work best with tender loving care and right environment. Learn to be kind to yourself, choose the right people, right speech and right action.
7. The flowers have its purpose to serve and bring happiness to whoever receiving it. We can be the source of the love and lights!
8. The flowers never doubt itself, they just bloom at the right time.
9. The flowers do not judge, fear or forecast, they live in the present moment (This Moment).
10. The flowers are generous to spread its love and beautify the world! Where there are flowers, there are no war… Let's us spread love not war!