Flowers' Mission
Flowers are magical, they teach us to cherish every moment in life, allowing us to express our emotions, heal our pain and
bringing love to the world.

Flowers for Therapy & Healing
Flowers are like gift from the nature, which beautify the world and giving meaning to life. Each flower has its unique identity eg. Shape, size, smell and properties, just like every country has its own set of flora and fauna which tends to make it unique. Nation flowers are also used as symbols of representing a country’s identity of its geographical location, culture and history.
Flowers has also been used for more than centuries as way of expressing love, compassion and thoughtfulness in different occasions eg. wedding, funeral or even religious ritual. In Christianity, flowers in the Bible are symbols of delicate life and beauty. They are used to convey messages of God’s comfort as well as messages of the perishable nature of man. While in Buddhism and Hinduism flowers represent generosity and impermanence to illustrate the beauty of enlightenment.
In recent years, people around the world are becoming more aware of the innate healing properties of flowers eg. Jasmine which gets its name from “Yasmeen” that has a meaning of a gift from god is mostly drunk as a tea to cure body aches, cramps and digestion issues. It also looks after ulcers and prevents anxiety and insomnia issues.
With gaining of popularity in usage of essential oils, flowers such as lavender are extracted for its rejuvenating effect to help people relax or de-stress. The lavender essential oil also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which heal wounds, burns and even acne, as well as some throat and chest conditions.
For Bach Flower Remedies, an alternative or complementary treatment that is used for emotional problems and pain, are made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants. Dr. Bach believed that healing negative emotions helps the body to heal itself. The system contains 38 flower remedies that each address a specific negative emotion.
Colour of flowers has different meaning and can also be used for therapy purpose. According to Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “wheel” and refers to the energy centres in our body. There are more than 100 over of chakras in our body and each energy centre corresponds to certain nerve bundles and major organs, hence it is important to keep our chakras open or unblocked for the ease of flow of the energy, for a healthier mind and body. Each chakra is also associated to a colour that resonate with the frequency of the energy.
Therefore, chakras can be balanced and aligned through yoga, meditation as well as colour therapy. Eg. The root chakra (red colour) which located at the base of our spine, has connection to courage, willpower, survival, safety, and vitality. Hence, red colour (flowers) could promote a sense of security and stability, as such red flower is always associated as passion and desire.
Research in colour psychology also suggests that colours evoke psychological reactions, affecting moods and emotions. Eg. For many people, the color green has strong associations with nature and brings to mind the lush greens of grass, trees, and forests. Green is often described as a refreshing and tranquil color.
The colour energy chart and its meaning are as followed:
Red – Passion, Courage, Stability
Pink – Love, Beauty, Serenity
Orange – Gratitude, Endurance, Pleasure
Yellow – Happiness, Joy, Confidence
Gold – Wealth, Abundance, Prosperity
Green – Life, Harmony, Sincerity
Blue – Healing, Truth, Peace
Purple – Intuition, Wisdom, Bliss
White – Cleansing, Purity, Rebirth
Brown – Grounding, Earth, Order
Other form of therapies using flowers are art therapy (using flower arrangement as a form of expression of emotion and deep feeling), mindful flower arrangement (using meditative mind during arrangement to evoke five senses and mindfulness) and floral healingz (incorporates of energy healing and flowers energy for emotional or space cleansing), which is the signature healing modality created by Bestarz.